Wednesday 10 July 2013

should i cancel netflix??

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~DaRk PhOe

so i signed up for netflix today and im already regretting it. they are charging me 8 bucks but i used my debit card that i use for financial aid.
one reason is that it wasnt what i expected. i just got the unlimted streaming, dont care about the dv's by mail. i just wanted to use it to watch tv shows that i dont get to watch becuase i dont have cable.
i wanted shows from like nick, cartoon network, disney, mtv etc. but they dont offer alot. they only shows they offer from nick is icarly from up to season 3 and spongebob up to season 5.

im kind of disappointed. so what do you guys think i should do?
should i cancel it? or keep it for a couple of months?

if its not what you want, then shut it off. paying for some thing you don't want doesn't make much sense. a little time spent researching their product would of save you a lot of hassle

Is it normal that my 6 month old baby is obsessed with Toy Story movies?


I know this sounds kinda funny, but my 6 month old baby will cry to watch the Toy Story movies. I thought I was just making things up but I am pretty sure at this point. He will consently cry, I try playing with him and his toys, walking with him, he isn't hungry, nor wet. I have tried every single kids movie, baby show.... he will watch it through the beginning credits and once the toys don't come on he starts crying again. I sat for a whole hour today going through netflix with him just to see if i was crazy and nothing worked but the min I turned on toy story baby was smiling and very content. I don't allow more than an hour of TV time for my 7 year old and I really don't want this to be a habit. I just don't know what to do...... He will play with his toys for maybe 15 mins and then begins to cry. I even try playing with him in a room without a tv........does not work. This can't be normal. Does anyone have any advice? I go for walks but the weather is getting very cold, take him out to visit grandma grandpa but the min we get home same old story. HELP!
He doesn't sit infront of the TV for hours, this is what he wants though. I am asking if anyone has a suggestion that I haven't tried. He isn't not interested in toys with lights for but a few mins, I sing to him, read, all sorts of stuff to try and distracted him from wanting that stupid movie..... If it was lack of stimulation wouldn't other things work with bright lights sound....... no other tv show or movie works or is he even interested in. I am not a tv person myself and even when the movie is on I am on the floor with him playing talking to him all sorts of stuff.

Well... like others have said you're not supposed to let him watch TV at this age. Just because he seems to like it doesn't mean you should let him have it. Babies his age normally are only engaged for a few minutes, it takes time and practice for them to get a longer attention span. That's something he's probably getting with the movies, they're moving around a lot and changing a lot. The thing is, that's adding to his inability to focus.

So take the TV away. It will be hard for a while, but he'll adjust and then it will become easier.

Add: And just to give advice that someone probably is NOT going to like... if you do feel like you need to let him have some TV, then I would recommend something more like fish in a tank. Something calmer and less movement and colors, but still movement. The reason being it may help his mind focus more.

I'm going off of studies that have shown that some shows, like Spongebob, seem to move along a lot and fast and that seems to cause some attention problems in young children, whereas programs that have slower movement and calmer situations seem to help in their attention span. It's still better not to use TV if possible, but if you're going to then picking things that move less and have fewer bright colors and loud noise and such may help.

I'll point out also that my kids would notice in a movie if it was a sad part or happy part by the music by the time they were 6 months old, even though we didn't watch much TV the music spoke to them.

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