Thursday 19 June 2014 today *ISN'T* Opposite Day?


But how do I know you're telling the truth if it really is??

Please help enlighten me on the subject!

According to Spongebob, opposite day is Wednesday.

opposite day?


okay you know how everybody is always doing opposite day just for fun!? maybe i thought how about we actually make it an offical holiday!! i'm making this huge! may 9th. please tell everybody about this to all of your friends or anybody! i mean you know how awesome this would be! it might not work and some of you might think this is very silly or stupid. but lots of people think its fun expecially after watching spongebob with that episode for opposite day and stuf! i mean what about april fools!!!! who made that up? so why not make opposite day a holiday!! just think about it.. may 9th! its kinda a random day. or if anybody have any opinions about what day it should be or any other ideas abut this then tell me kk
yeah! tell everybody! well technically arpil 1st. isnt actually opposite day. i mean saying something like "i hate you" but really saying i love you. april fool day is when you pull pranks its kinda the same but not. go here and add me if ou have myspace to say you want opposite day (not really my account but just another account for this idea

You just missed opposite day. It was April 1st.

One of the older traditions for April 1st, or april fool's day, was that it was a day for contradictions, for things to be all topsy-turvey for the day, for people to reverse rolls. Bosses would serve their workers, men would dress as women and women as men. A fool would be crowned king for the day.

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