Wednesday 14 May 2014

Where can i get the time change sound effect from spongebob?


In some episodes of spongebob you will hear the narrarator say "5 hours later" in a classic voice.
i was wondering if there is a site where i could download this sound or what would it be called so i can find it myself.
i need a WAV or an MP3

i don't know try to Google it

Do normal 2.5 year olds play hard and relax harder?


My 2.5 year old LOVES to play outside. She will spend 8 hours or more a day outside playing!
In the same token though...when she's inside for the night, she is GLUED to the tv...she loves Dora and Diego, Yo Gabba Gabba and Wow wow wubzy...

I'm just wondering if so much independant play and learning might hurt her social skills later on?

She gets along famously with all adults but doesn't share well with other kids. She tends to get bored of other children quickly unless they are older then her and very active in playing outside like her. She doesn't so much want to play "with" them as she wants to play around them and follow them.

She sleeps great, always down for bed on-time with little I just being a worry-wort?


My 3 year old is the same way. She LOVES to be outside, and if allowed she would play out there all day. When she's inside she attached to the television. SpongeBob, Dora, Diego, Max & Ruby, anything cartoon. I have tried to get her to watch as much educational stuff as possible though. But she gets bored of that and wants to watch SpongeBob after a while (her BIGGEST addiction). She doesn't like to play with kids her own age, and does a lot of running from them and hiding when they are around. Although when she is around my sister (who is 12 years old) and her friends she doesn't want to leave. It's a tantrum every time. I think part of it is that she was raised by me, a stay at home mom since the day she was born. She has never really spent a lot of time with kids her own age. So when she does, it's all new. I think when she's old enough to start PreK (next year because of her birthday) things will change. I think ur little one is doing just fine :)

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