Wednesday 6 November 2013

Don't you think the whole Derpy uproar from my little pony is sexist?

spongebob theory on Avalanche At Planktons Peak - Spongebob Games
spongebob theory image


I mean, Ed from Ed, Edd, and Eddy hasn't been censored and he's retarded. Spongebob and Patrick are the main characters of the show and there flat out stupid, but when a female charter like derpy just says 1 line, they demand to have her censored. What can we not show female stupidity anymore?

Yeah...I don't think thatâs the main reason behind this...problem(?)

The thing is mostly with the name in the association (for however foolish and arbitrary it may be) of the sound "derp" with the notion of "retarded". It's a baseless argument though and most of the people who defend the idea that Derpy is offensive to mentally challenged people are probably just using that as an excuse to hide away from their own despise towards them. It may be a bit hasty of me to propose this, but it seems quite possible that this people may be recurring to what's known in psychoanalytic theory as reaction formation.

If we look at the characters you mention none of them have a name that people associate in the way I just expose, so they are ok with that. After all if you look at the history of cartoons, silly, klutzy, and just flat out dumb characters are common occurrences. So the only "problem" there seems to be with Derpy is her name.

Why is the Illuminati in popular shows, channels, games etc.?


I've noticed in shows such as Spongebob, channels such as Nickelodeon and games such as Modern Warfare 3 there are a lot of Illuminati symbols. Please explain how come it is in these popular stuff. And how did it become considered to be satanic?

Your satanic question:

Illuminati = The Enlightened
Light = Venus Star(planet) in the sky - (brightest star)
Venus Star = is Venus Goddess of Love and Light
Baphomet is the official "assistant" of Venus.
Baphomet is the Carrier of Light (he carries Venus' Love and Light to other places)
Baphomet has Horns, a Goat's Head, uses many Phallic (penis) Symbols, and has goat legs.
Reminds you of somebody? Satan? The guy who lives in a Fiery pit - Fire = Light

It's a mixup of symbolism, it's all very very Ancient and through the ages certain things have become morhped and muddy.
What is called "illuminati conspiracy" is actually people who have some degree in knowledge about the Origin of all these symbols.
Illuminati society does not exist, however. It would not be a proper Secret Society if they can be found all over the damn place. This should be an obvious thing.

However, artists and creators who are allowed to work on popular Video Games, Movies, music, Cartoons etc. have a certain amount of knowledge of this Ancient Symbolism.
It's nothing bad, it's Art.
You could say the modern Twilight-vampires are a symbolic muckup of the actual Vladimir Dracula, who in turn is based on Nostradamus, who in turn is based on a Dragon (Dracula - Dragon - Serpent - Satan... there is another distortion in the field of the semiotician. you also know the dumbass theory of shapeshifting reptilians, I guess? it's all related through symbolics)

All those shit you see in Spongebob means nothing when taking at face-value, without linking it to anything else. But when you know alot of things, you can practically draw a line and keep making a link-link-link-link until you have a chain that leads to nothingness... just some guy or group of people thousands of years ago who created some form of artwork or religion or whatever.
It's all fun and games. No devil work or evil schemes or brainwashing.

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