Saturday 15 February 2014

Is the Illuminati real or not?


If so, isn't it supposed to be secret? So, why would their sign appear in almost every show? If not, what's with the sign in kids shows like Spongebob?

Yes, the Illuminati is very real. I've been researching this secret society for several years now and I am convinced of its existence. The Illuminati is still a secret organization because it is not "officially" recognized. Although there are many people who have heard of the Illuminati, only half probably actually know what the Illuminati is.

Thanks to erroneous youtube videos multiple people that think it's just a satanic sect in the music industry; or due to Dan Brown's "Angels and Demons" novel they feel it might be an underground society secretly warring with the Catholic Church. Both of these beliefs are inaccurate. It is the extremely rich people that own most banks and businesses through the stock market and are trying to use their wealth and influence to guide this world into a New World Order. The Illuminati bankers fund politicians to do this.

The commonality of their symbols appearing constantly on television is primarily signatorial. The symbols are signatures from the businesses or groups that produce the video these symbols appear in. The symbols are remarkably common but not everyone notices it. It is mainly a calling card from the Illuminati to the enlightened saying "Yes, that's us too, but you can't do anything about it."

Most people don't know the real meaning of these symbols and take it for granted or without question. But when someone begins to study the Illuminati these symbols become much more noticeable. They are often used in music videos giving some viewers the impression that some celebrities are Illuminati initiates, however this just disinformation. The Illuminati own all the companies that make up the music industry. Celebrities sign contracts with these companies to produce their music, however when it comes to music videos it takes a director and choreographer that the record company chooses. The Illuminati ARE very secretive, their initiates are never in the spotlight. The President of the United States is not an Illuminist, he's a puppet that was funded by the Illuminati. No politician will bite the hand that feeds them so he is in turn serving their agenda.

You see while most people are captivated and left to wonder about the symbols portrayed on television, they're not paying attention to our "elected officials" who are desperately trying to pass laws that will take away our rights to carry guns. America's founding fathers made the Bill of Rights for a reason, but sadly, because the school system is ran by the Illuminati as well, this generation has no idea what rights they were entitled to will blindly let politicians destroy the Constitution. This is what the Illuminati comes down to; they distract people with sports, celebrities and television shows while they usurp power within the government and try to steal our God-given rights.

The media is corporately owned by the Illuminati. They twist stories, such as the Sandy Hook shooting and Aurora Massacre so people will think only the government is responsible enough to carry guns, never realizing that many of these incidents were psyops caused by the CIA to trick us into giving up our rights.

Is Spongebob Squarepants really illuminati?


I have seen videos on youtube about Spongebob being illuminati or rather have subliminal messages, but they were really just weird little things that had no meaning. I don't necessarily believe all the illuminati mumbo jumbo but I do like to look deeper into all that stuff because it's better safe than sorry. So if anyone has seen any good details about subliminal messages in Spongebob, please tell me.

Yes, all members of the Illuminati know that Squarepants is a surname which has been associated with the Illuminati and Freemasonry since time immemorial. Spongebob, however, is usually just abbreviated to "Bob".

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