Monday 20 January 2014

What are the things that need to be done in order for spongebob to discuss the secret formula with mr krabs ?

spongebob 1 hour later on Spongebob Hours Later
spongebob 1 hour later image

Luis Figue

1. They do the secret handshake (Stand on one foot. They balance a glass of chocolate milk on their heads and sing the Bikini Bottom National Anthem).
THE BIKINI BOTTOM ANTHEM- Oh, Bikini Bottom, we pledge our hearts to you, As faithful, as deep, as true, as blue, Bikini Bottom, we love you!
2. It doesn't say the whole thing, just *6 hours later*.
3. Robot Krabs gets into a cannon which spits him out, through a flame ring, and onto a chair at a table. He opens up the robot's belt buckle and dumps some spaghetti in there. He says 'Yum yum, this spaghetti is good." and burps.
4. They sing the Meatball song. Meatball. Meatball. Spaghetti underneath. Ravioli. Ravioli. Great Barrier Reef!
5. He says after a rage that he, before, had to eat 105 black jellybeans through a straw.
6. They obviously had to do more, but this is as far as they got before the real Mr Krabs came in!

Episode of spongebob when the guy says "So many hours later, blah blah blah"?


The guy that does *1 hour later
*2 days later

But this episode he makes the longest sentence lol

can you spare a dime

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