Monday 30 December 2013

episode of Spongebob where he hits all the buildings while driving?

spongebob no free rides on Spongebob No Free Rides (Speedy)
spongebob no free rides image


What is that episode? It's in one part of it...where Spongebob is driving his boat, and he is zigzagging and hitting everything in town, and I think he is singing "la la la" at the same time.

I think the episode is called No Free Rides

How do you turn into a unicorn?

Hannah Gra

My lifelong dream has been to become a unicorn. I would greatly appreciate anyone's advice.

Okay, you have to friend a guy named "Burton Fredrick" on facebook. You'll know its him cause he'll have a picture of him and a spongebob plush toy. Once he accepts, talk to him for a while. After you become friends, one day, instant message him saying "DURFKADOSHKAPAPOSHA". You have to type it just like that or he wont recognize it. When he recognizes it, within 2 seconds, the ceiling of your house will open up and ninjas will swoop down from helicopters. They'll pull you up and you'll take a seat next the a ninja with purple nun chucks. She will ask you "Coke or Pepsi?". That is where you reply, "Tacos". They will give you a piece of gum. Chew the gum and keep the wrapper for later. About 50 minutes into the helicopter ride, they will give you a parachute and and tell you to jump. Before you jump, take the gum wrapper and open it. It will say "Subway. Back Alley". Once you jump out, you will free fall for about a few seconds. Open your parachute and you will fall into a busy street. Look around until you find the subway. Like the gum wrapper instructed, go to the back alley of the subway restaurant. You will meet a hobo. Give him the wrapper and he will give you the unicorn potion where you will use it and transform.
Don't worry about going back home. Unicorns are too badass for homes. :]

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