Saturday 7 September 2013

Assuming God is a normal person is narrow minded, don't you realize it could be really weird?

spongebob not normal on spongebob. normal
spongebob not normal image
Q. He could be an obese, vertically challenged mexican who is a Double Transvestite (man dressing as a woman dressing as a man). He could also have three legs, a unicorn horn and a Spongebob tattoo on his left cheek. While it isn't definite it isn't out of the question.
@Charles-Nope it isn't.

Yes, and a dog could dig up Rachel's corpse and lay it on my front step.

While it isn't definite it isn't out of the question, right?

I'm so glad you admit I'm right.

Is it normal that I'm almost 16 years old and I still enjoy little kid shows?


I'm not talking only kid shows like spongebob, i mean possibly baby shows too. Not as far as sesame street or blues clues, but i occasionally enjoy watching shows like Dragon tails, Franklin, Clifford, shows like that. I asked my mother about it and she told me possibly because I didn't watch kid shows much when I was a kid, I have an older brother and I usually did what he did so I missed out on these shows. Is her logic possible?

Hey, we're the same age, and I love cartoons too. Maybe not Blue's Clues where the obvious stares you straight in the face, but Sesame Street's cool. Clifford is one of my personal favourites, though I hardly ever get the chance to watch it any more. So, yeah. Little kid shows give you an interesting insight on children and adolescent perception and etc.(I'll go on and on rambling if I continue.)

Bottom line: It's normal. Hey, adult men can like My Little Pony, so why can't a teenager like a disproportionate little blue dog with an above-average-intelligence? Or Mr Noodle? I actually like Oscar a lot =P

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