Sunday 9 March 2014

Nickelodeon Universe Charactors?

Leah S.

I a taking my daughter to Nickelodeon Universe at the Mall of America this weekend and I'm wondering if anybody knows what other characters they will have? Do they even still have characters? I remember when I was a kid and it was camp snoopy, they had charlie brown and snoopy walking around. I swear I've seen pics on FB of kids with the backyardigans....

they have spongebob, patrick, dora, boots, the backyardagains and so many more characters walking around.

Do you believe in alternate universes and dimensions?

No Chance

How do we know that we are the only dimension? The universe has only just started. Science has to evolve and keep evolving until the end of time, which is never. Or do people already know about them? Could Nintendo, Sega, Game Freak and Nickelodeon be just feeding us info about other worlds and pretending that its just entertainment but in reality its... reality? Or is there really a Area 51 holding creatures from other worlds from us? To imagine a world where creatures and people like Pokemon and Spongebob could exist just makes my head spin. Do you believe? It almost seems impossible, but nothing is impossible. Nothing really makes sense. There could be dimensions that are millions of years ahead of us that could prove our science wrong. Maybe our technology is wrong. Maybe God never made the Big Bang Theory that started the universe happen. Maybe we could all be in comas just dreaming about life. What do you think? Finding what the universe truly is... that would be an ultimate goal in its self.

A dimension IS A direction, NOT a parallel universe. Parallel universes lay in the DIRECTION of a fourth dimension. To visualize this think of a two dimensional universe, flat like a piece of paper. it has an X and Y dimension, at right angles to each other +

A parallel universe or universes with 2 dimensions could lie atop another ---A STACK of 2D universes even. But they lay in the direction of the THIRD dimension above or below the other 2D universes parallel to each other.

Since we cannot visualize in more than 3 dimensions, we can only talk about 3D parallel universes in terms of the 2D model. Parallel 3D universes are stacked in the direction of a the FOURTH dimension.\

Indeed TIME may be a series of static 3D worlds that our conciousness moves through at light speed experiencing each instant as a world not unlike frames of film or a flip book (with 3 D pages of course)

Another visulizing many of us have sTRACTESSARACT--or 4D cube---a smaller cube inside another with the corners connected by lines. like the cube may shrink or grow as it moves along the 4TH Dimension

There may be other parallel universes too--not connected to Time in a 5th dimensional direction--etc. etc.

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