Wednesday 11 December 2013

Is it bad for a guy that watches my little pony friendship is magic?

spongebob 4chan image

Chris Axel

Lol at first I didnt like, I thoight it was stupid, till my friends (guys and girls) were pushing me to watch it, so I did, and now im hooked lol. Idk I guess its the characters, there all unique.

Lol. Of course it's not bad, dude, why would it be? Sure, the show was created with the intention to capture the hearts of young girls but that doesn't mean everybody else shouldn't appreciate the amazing charm and overall creativeness of the show. By now you know that this show is downright amazing so no need to really explain to you as to why. The quality speaks for itself as the show transcends predetermined gender barriers and we all know the impact it has had on dudes. The show is extremely good and it deserves to be recognized as one of the most gamechanging shows of all time. Right now, the community is relatively small but as the fanbase grows and the show inevitably gets picked up by a bigger network (I'm looking at you, Disney) which it probably will, the show will be known as the most inspiring, groundbreaking, landscaping cartoon of all time. You think it's weird right now but when there are guys rocking my little pony shirts with confidence and it's known as the new Spongebob Squarepants, you'll smile. Imagine. A completely amazing show that'll soon get the mainstream popularity it deserves all thanks to a couple of guys on 4chan. It's Amazing. The power of the internet, that is.

Is My Little Pony Friendship is Magic good?

Black Dash

And why?

Uhh, Duh. The show has been hailed as a masterpiece by Cartoon and My Little Pony fans ever since June-July of last year. It's been universally praised for it's amazing animation, clever storylines, in-depth characters, cute, yet funny gags and even their testaments to the brony community. Yes, bronies understand this show is a girl's cartoon and bronies understand that the show isn't perfect but here is where this comes in handy as only, and I mean only, Bronies understand this show kicks high concentration levels of *ss, hell even for a little girl's show. Think of it this way. 4chan took on the Goverment and won. My Little Pony split 4chan in f*cking half. This show is way past good at this point, this show is groundbreaking and I know from a neutral perspective, this might come off as hard to believe, I mean... A show for little girl's with the name "My Little Pony:Friendship is Magic" is being dubbed amazing but what do you expect to get when you have amazing levels of talent working on this show like Tara Strong and Lauren Faust? This show just flat-out embarrasses every other Cartoon currently on the air and exposes them as exactly what they are. Pure and utter sh*t. Have you seen Almost Naked Animals? How about Problem Solverz? TUFF Puppy? The new and despicable incarnation of Spongebob Squarepants? I can honestly say that this cartoon is the best Cartoon of the past decade. By no means is it the best cartoon ever made, but technically speaking, this show is pretty damn close to it.

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